Shipping Policies

Shipping policy:
All items are shipped using either USPS or UPS. I will ship to the address you chose at check out, no address changes can be made once the item is purchased due to security reasons. Please make sure that the address you enter is correct. If there are any delays during the processing time I will contact you immediately. (Please read the processing times before purchasing)

Once your package has been shipped, we are no longer responsible for any damage, loss, delay or anything else that may occur during shipment. Phone number is mandatory for all orders so the shipping companies or customs can reach you in case any problems occur while your item(s) are in transit.

Shipping prices vary based on size and weight of package as well as the location it is being sent to.

We are not responsible for any tariffs, duty or extra tax charges due after we have sent out your order. Please make sure you check with your country to see what kind of charges are implemented on packages received from the US and what needs to be paid for your item to be delivered. In some cases certain countries will have you pay a fee before you can pick the package up from their holding location.

Refund Policy:
Deposits are Non-Refundable.
All items are Final Sale but we will try to work with you if any major issues do come up on our end.

Please note (in our section) it does state that you must contact us prior to purchasing your items to confirm a delivery date, if you do not contact us before hand your item will not be guaranteed to arrive on the date you need it by. Please read our processing times and take them into consideration before placing your order because you will not receive a refund.
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